Linda Queipo
Town Historian
By Appointment
Bluestone Industry
Schools in the Town
Sawkill Fire Co.
Sweet Meadows
Saint Ann's Church
Siemsen Tribute
Legends & Folktales

By the 1950’s the Town of Kingston saw the growth of suburban life. IBM became the driving force behind employment in the area. With this growth came a need for housing. The Sawkill Creek which had always been a problem with flooding became a bigger issue with the development of Sweet Meadows. In 1981, the residents of Sweet Meadows, friends and neighbors from other parts of the town banded together to have a “rock picking party”. This action drew some county-wide attention to the flooding problem and led to a clean out of the creek. However, this did not solve the problem and some flooding still persists during heavy rains. In 2015 the County began a Flood Prevention Project whereby a box culvert was installed to help direct water from the back creek into the Sawkill. This has led to much better conditions during times of heavy rain.